Beyond Fit Programs  

are for you if you are struggling to lose weight and/or get muscle definition on plant-based nutrition or want to learn how to transition to a plant-based diet and still reach your fitness goals. 

If you are tired of dealing with: 


• Being stuck with the fitness journey and not seeing the results with a plant-based nutrition 

• Prolonged diet, food restrictions, and feeling guilty about foods you like 

• Lack of confidence and hate what you see in the mirror

• Lack of motivation and need accountability and guidance

And really want to: 


• Create LONG-TERM lifestyle changes 

• Build muscle mass and/or lose weight for GOOD

• Learn how to eat plant-based and become healthy and feel energized again  

• Have a great relationship with food and just freaking enjoy it

• Get sexy and confident in your skin

In Person Coach

• Only Workouts in Person at the Gym

• Zero Nutrition Guidance 

• No Support Outside The Gym

• Lack Of Results!

• Switches Careers After 1-3 Years

Beyond Fit Program

​• Personalized Meal Plans

• Customized Workout Programs

​• Home and Gym Options

• Video Demonstrations

​• Workout Progress Tracker

​​• Complete Shopping List

• Exclusive Mobile App

​• Daily Program Adjustments

• Access to a Catalog of Resources

• Habits Tracking

​​• 24/7 Support 

​​• 1:1 Weekly Coaching Calls With Arina

​• 100% Results Guaranteed

Online Coach

• Generic Workout Program

• Cookie Cutter Meal Plan

• Little Communication

• Zero Flexibility 

• Lack of plant based eating knowledge 

• Lack Of Results!



Beyond Fit

Weight Loss 

My integrated 13 week Beyond Fit Weight Loss vegan program will help you achieve your weight goals, feel more energetic, confident and happy in your own skin. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started today!


Beyond Fit

Vegan Transition

Becoming vegan takes discipline and education. In my 8 weeks vegan transition program you’ll get all the tools you need to make the switch to a completely plant-based diet while reaching your nutritional goals.


Beyond Fit

Muscle Gain

Beyond Fit Muscle Gain is a 13 week program designed to burn fat and sculpt your body the healthy way. Wholesome vegan meal plan to fuel your body, personalised resistance training program to get your body to the next level in 12 weeks.